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2022-01-18 作者 :日用品网 围观 : 0次



body wash/body milk/shower gel 沐浴露;接下来整理了相关的单词;薄荷味沐浴露 mint scented shower gel;洗发露 shampoo;护发素 conditioner;泡沫洗面奶 foaming cleanser;润肤露 body lotion;洗澡海绵 loofah /bathing sponge;接下来学习下相关的地道口语句子;


1、I have to clean my face ;我得去洗洗脸;

2、I have to comb my hair ;我得梳头发去;

3、Did you brush your teeth?;你刷牙了吗?;

4、Yeah, what kind of clothes should I wear ?;是的,我穿什么样的衣服好咧;

5、Hurry up or we're going to be late .;你快点儿,我们要迟到了;

6、Your breath stinks ;你的口气真难闻;拓展资料;实用对话;Selena: My skin is very sensitive. Any recommendations?;我的皮肤很敏感。有什么推荐吗?;Jenny: Try this body wash. It would make your skin soft and smooth.;试一下这款沐浴露,它能让你的皮肤光滑细嫩。;Selena: Wow! It’s brand new.;还是全新的,你刚买的吗?;Jenny: Yep. I just bought it online.;是的,我在网上买的。


1. 桶,木盆He grows roses in tubs on the terrace.他在阳台上木盆里种玫瑰。

2. 一桶(或一盆)的量[(+of)]They consumed a tub of beer.他们喝掉一桶啤酒。

3. 【口】浴缸;洗澡I take a cold tub every morning.我每天早晨洗一个凉水澡。

4. 【口】行进缓慢的旧船I've been at sea for four lousy weeks in this tub.我已经乘这条老爷船在海上航行了四个倒霉的星期。

5. (放冰淇淋等的)塑料杯,纸杯The child is eating a tub of ice-cream.孩子在吃纸杯冰淇淋。

6. 矿车,矿斗;井筒支架vt.1. 把...放在桶(或盆)里2. 【口】给...洗盆浴vi.1. 被放在桶(或盆)里2. 【口】洗盆浴

1. 桶,木盆He grows roses in tubs on the terrace.他在阳台上木盆里种玫瑰。

2. 一桶(或一盆)的量[(+of)]They consumed a tub of beer.他们喝掉一桶啤酒。

3. 【口】浴缸;洗澡I take a cold tub every morning.我每天早晨洗一个凉水澡。

4. 【口】行进缓慢的旧船I've been at sea for four lousy weeks in this tub.我已经乘这条老爷船在海上航行了四个倒霉的星期。

5. (放冰淇淋等的)塑料杯,纸杯The child is eating a tub of ice-cream.孩子在吃纸杯冰淇淋。

6. 矿车,矿斗;井筒支架vt.1. 把...放在桶(或盆)里2. 【口】给...洗盆浴vi.1. 被放在桶(或盆)里2. 【口】洗盆浴

